Some Things To Remember...

Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. ~ Lao-tzu

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. ~Philo

These quotes were attached to an email I received from a friend today. I find both sayings to be so true and so important to remember as we go throughout our day. We meet people everyday that we may not agree with and may find ourselves judging them based on our assumptions and on our own life stories.

When confronted with this situation try to stop your impulse to judge and remember to practice mastering yourself. Part of being a master of ourselves is remembering to be kind to, or being patient with those who may not be presenting their best selves at the time.


Anonymous said…
Words to live by.I feel like I have mastered myself but may still need some work with patience.Thanks for your inspiring words.I will definitely try to be mindful of others.

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