What Have You Learned About Yourself This Year?

December has always been a time of soul searching for me.
With Christmas, my birthday, and the approaching new year I always feel it's a good time to get quiet and look at back at what has transpired over the old year.

What have I learned? Are there things I need to work on, things I need to let go of maybe? What accomplishments am I most proud? What will I carry into the coming year?

I've lost love ones this past year. What have I learned from how they lived their lives and how will I honor them in the coming year?

I watched history being made when we, the people of this great nation, came together and elected our first Black president and proved that we are more alike than not.

I've met virtual friends who've shown me that strength, power, and most importantly love, need not be embraced physically to be felt.

I've learned that love behind intention is the greatest power in the Universe and what is felt by one effect us all.
This past year has been filled with lessons. Lessons of love and of life. There were times when I thought I had never cried so much but also times when I felt I'd never laughed so hard.

And so, the end of another year is upon us. What have you learned about yourself?

How will you choose to honor those who have helped you walk along your path this year?
I honor you all with much love, much peace and an overflowing abundance of all the good this Universe has to offer.

May we all live the lives we desire in this coming year.
Much love


Maritza Luciano said…
Thank you so much Carol! What you wrote is beautiful. We need so many more that think like this. I am always grateful for LIFE. Every day we are able to find something to be thankful for. I've learned to appreciate even more so the gift of health, since mine was fragile for a little while and even if it is 15 minutes a day I go outside and enjoy all the life around me, sit, listen to the "trees" when the wind is there or nature, birds, butterflies, squirrels ( I have lots of these in my backyard), I breath life. After this, since I have a home based business, I go back in and keep on helping others. But I am filled with amazing energy.

I give thanks to all of you that have allowed me to come into your lives and the whole Universe and God for so many blessings this year including my daughter's wedding.

Carol, I would love to get to know you, it is inspiring and motivating what you write. Thanks!

Loodjie said…
You write beautifully. I really love your post, life is such a precious thing that it is better to care about your family more than yourself because anything you do will get back at you...


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