While I was walking...

Last night I decided that this morning I would get up at the crack of dawn and go out for a sunrise walk on the beach.

I awakened this morning, stretched and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and turned to look at the clock. It was still only 5:20. "Damn", I cursed to myself.

"Oh well", I thought, rolled over and pulled the covers up to my chin. I decided I'd try to get another half hour of sleep in but my husbands incessant snoring was having non of this.

I got out of bed, ready to catch an attitude. Already I could feel my morning was not going to go as planned.
It didn't help matters when after leaving my not so quiet but warm bed I walked to the living room and looked out from the balcony only to find the gate which leads out to the beach was still chained and locked.
I looked at the clock. By now it's ten minutes till six.

"Oh no! The sun will be coming up soon, I'll miss it!" I thought.
I stood there watching the gate trying to will the security guard to appear and open it. Nada!

I sat down on the sofa staring at nothing until finally I hear the sweet sound of key turning lock and chain hitting metal.
I run to the balcony and there was my security guard all aglow in heavenly light. "Yes,I won't miss the sunrise after all!"

I quickly went to throw on my shorts, tee-shirt and my beat up beach walking shoes. I grabbed my camera, kissed my snoring husband and headed outside.

At last on the beach.
I take a few steps out toward the crashing waves and stop.
"Hey, it's dark out here!"

I started to get a little worried as thoughts of some deranged night stalker bum rushing me danced around in my head. I walked back to the gate and stood there for a while trying to get up my courage.

I almost turned to head back to the apartment when I suddenly remembered a friend who is going through a crisis in her life right now.
Last night I said to her that she needed to get up this morning, get out and get moving. I told her how she had to be patient with herself and not rush her progress.

This motivated me to push past my fears. I wanted to be with her in spirit and so I walked.

As I walked I was learning that today's lesson would most probably be a lesson on patience and what had I been doing since I woke up this morning?...trying to rush the process...
I couldn't take another snore from my husband, jumped out of bed before it was time, wanted the security guard to hurry and open the gate before it was time. I even tried to rush the sun to hurry up and rise so that I would be so afraid by out myself.
Yet had I not been patience and turned back to go home I would not have met the wonderful gentleman named Miguel who stopped to have a chat or the chance to enjoy seeing Robo a playful little dog so full of energy so early in the morning.
But most of all I would have missed the spectacular show the Universe had planned to show me.

What a beautiful lesson in patience...


I know exactly what this is all about. You know I do! Much love to you...tori

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