Do You!
People have asked me on occasion just what it is I do to stay grounded. They have also wanted to know what my secret is staying married for twenty four years, to raising two happy children, to staying in shape, not looking my age, living in the Caribbean, etc...
I'm always both flattered and humbled by their inquiries but always feel odd in trying to explain to someone exactly what I do to maintain or achieve what ever it is they may be looking for.
I think I realize now that I never knew how to answer them because the things that I do or don't do are things that, well, I need or don't need to do for me.
Everybody is different. What works for you may not work for me and vis versa.
Truth be known, outside of trying to live by the universal laws of life, there is really no one way that I prescribe to. I follow how I feel and I am very unorthodox in my philosophies on life most times.
Everyday when I wake I know I have a choice. I can either be one way or another and I go with what I am feeling.
Don't get me wrong. I don't mean that I always just let life happen all around me without a care in the world. Oh no.
And I certainly have my days when I rant at the world for whatever injustice I think has been brought upon me...real or imagined.
But I tend to try and not let my goals, plans or those perceived injustices run my life. And trust me, I was not always like this.
Being exactly where I am right now in my life has been and continues to be a process.
If I can give any advice on what one should do to stay grounded or achieving longevity in a marriage, raising great children, staying in shape, and definitely my advice for not looking or feeling your age,...whatever it is you are trying to achieve it would be this:
Look to yourself, listen to what's inside your heart, hear what your body is telling you, and don't take yourself or life too seriously.
I guess all this amount to...just go with the flow.
In the morning when you wake up, before you rush to get out of bed and start your day, ask yourself what you want your day to be today.
Be the artist and the architect of your own life. Paint your own picture and construct the life that you want to live.
Being happy is a process to be nurtured daily.
Do you!
Be the artist and the architect of your own life. Paint your own picture and construct the life that you want to live.
Being happy is a process to be nurtured daily.
Do you!"
I love this, it is such a true statement and such good advice. It should be in the Life Instruction Manual for sure!
GOD you are so smart!