Making yourself more beautiful with the beauty of nature.
Everyday we are bombarded with advertisements on television, newspapers, magazines and the internet asking us to part with our hard earned money to purchase their "beauty products". They make promises of instant beauty, stopping the aging process and attracting the opposite sex to name a few, all if we throw down mucho dinaro for their new miracle in a jar.
But do you ever stop to think about all the chemicals that go into making these products?
A lot of us spend a lot time trying to make and keep ourselves healthy. We quit smoking, exercise and watch what we put inside our bodies but then we turn around and slather chemicals all over our skin.
Why spent a fortune on things that in the long run may have adverse effects on your health when there are so many things right in your kitchen that you can use.
Things like oatmeal and honey for a nice scrub or detoxifying and mask. Egg whites can tighten the pores and even the lactic acids in yogurt can be used to exfoliate and leave the skin smooth and soft.
Even if you aren't so inclined to make your own homemade natural concoctions there are companies out there that make product using natural ingredients. I myself have been using one in particular. The company is called Hannahmade Soaps. you can check it out at,
They have a wonderful selection of soaps made from all natural products like goats milk and cocoa butter...yummy!
I have been using her soaps and I love them and I don't worry if I'm ingesting a bunch of chemicals through my skin.
I know, I know... this sounds like yet another shameless advertisement trying to once again get you to fork over your money but I have nothing to gain in mentioning this product.
I like what I like and I also like to share knowledge about things that I think are conducive for ones positive wellbeing.
So try making yourself more beautiful with the beauty of nature. And really, when you think about it using things from nature means you are using thing that are already a part of you anyway. Enjoy you!
I am glad you are enjoying the Mochalatte. We haven't even put it on the website as we were waiting on feedback.
Sometimes so many individuals go by what the advertisement is saying and don't look at any other research. I am very proud to be representing my company too, whose founder has been awarded the Albert Einstein Award for making positive health changes around the world. Then.... whe you have science facts and work with the truth, people ask and question you. In the other hand an adversiment many times put what ever and nobody questions it and buy without questioning.
I read about the soap you talked about, still looking for more information. Would be nice if they are soap free too. Good to know that you like them.
I am also getting ready an article about parabens. I will let you know when ready :)
To your continued Health,
This is what I use: brown sugar, powder cinammon, honey and mix it with goat's milk until a heavy cream consistency is achieved. I scrub my whole body, add some epson salt to the tub and relax!
Love the scent. I feel new. I usually have some nice soft music and enjoy my time. I do this at least once a month. It is my time. Even my phones are OFF :)