So what now?...

I have been for the past year doing a lot of writing which caused me at times a lot of laughter, thinking, soul searching and a lot of crying.
Writing about oneself and ones journey through life is no easy least not for me. But it has been very empowering and enlightening and I cherish the lessons that I have learned from the experience. And really that's what it's all about...Life we learn or fail to learn form them as well as the consequences that come from decisions we make based on our lessons.

This year was one of tremendous growth as well. At times it seemed I was only standing in a place where I really don't speak the language I could not find a job. But I had to surrender to the Universe! I had to realize that I was not standing still at all...I was changing...growing inside. I was expanding as I should.
Now I could either have whined and cried about not having a job and not having any friends blah blah blah...or I could take the opportunity to learn even more about myself than I had in my previous year of solitude.

I had to realize that am blessed! Most people don't get the opportunity to have long periods in their lives where they can sit in quiet contemplation of life the Universe and all the mysteries it holds. Or to really focus on what exactly it is that they want and plot out a course without any outside distractions. Had I been saddled with having a 9-5 to go to for five or more days out of my week or dividing my time between many friends I would not have had this opportunity.

So what now?...
Well for now I am patiently waiting the arrival of all that I have been preparing for. I have put my prayers, my dreams and my wishes out into the Universe. Everyday I ask for the clarity to see them coming...the wisdom to recognize them for what they are...the guidance to help me stay on my right path...the strength to accept any challenge as another opportunity for positive expansion and with humility and gratitude know that I am worthy of every good thing life has to offer.
All Is Well.


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